Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Someone Please Save Kyle

This is Kyle. He has down syndrome and is now six. That means he has probably already been sent to an adult mental institution. It also means he's probably confined to a crib now. If he hasn't been transferred he's extremely lucky. Just look at this poor boy. His eyes are pleading for a family to just love him.

Love can do so much for these poor children who have nothing. Kyle is in a region that is said to usually take pretty good care of their orphans, so that is a positive. Still, he deserves a family. Also, his grant has over $4200 in it, so that will definitely help with the expenses. Please look at his profile and see if you are his parents. Click here to see Kyle's profile

This is my first post on an actual orphan, and I picked Kyle just because his picture always gets to me. He isn't the child we plan on adopting (mainly because we want to go through another country), but I just can't get past his sweet little, pleading face. I'll probably do more posts on orphans that touch my heart, too.


  1. He's so precious. Hope he finds a family soon.

  2. So precious. If we were going adopt a child with Down Syndrome and from that country, we would be all over Kyle.
